Is Tyler Brûlé for real?

Tyler Brûlé

We can find no better way of starting this publication than by quoting a letter to the Financial Times:

Sir, As a previous correspondent once asked, Is Tyler Brûlé for real? He is editor-in-chief of Monocle, a publication so exclusive I have never seen it advertised, nor on sale.

He seems to spend most of his time flying long distances on business (and in business class) or on holiday, presumably performing many of his editorial duties en route.

He is based in London, but at the same time he also owns an island (complete with house and jetty) in Sweden for summer use and a flat in St Moritz for winters, yet is now looking for further accommodation in the Mediterranean area to enable him to enjoy “true winter sun” (“Great escapes in mind”, House & Home, January 3/4).

Apart from the last, it sounds an enviable lifestyle. How does Tyler Brûlé do it?

Ian Fletcher,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

A valid question, Mr Fletcher. Is Tyler Brûlé for real? And if so, how does he do it?

It’s questions like these that we will attempt to answer in this publication. See it as a guide – a tribute. And a laugh.